• সোমবার, ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০৪:১০ পূর্বাহ্ন

এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা ২০১৮

আপডেটঃ : মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৮

ইংরেজি দ্বিতীয়পত্র


এস. এম মুরাদ হোসেন


সিনিয়র শিক্ষক, ইংরেজি


বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ নূর মোহাম্মদ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা





01. Fill in the gaps of the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text:


Hazi Mohammad Muhsin is famous for his (a) kind. He was bo in a (b) wealth family. He was an (c) married man. He was a social (d) work. He had a great (e) contribute to (f) educate. Everybody knows about his (g) donate. We are not (h) grate to him.




(a) kindness, (b) wealthy, (c) unmarried, (d) worker, (e) contribution, (f) education, (g) donation, (h) ungrateful


02. Fill in gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words given in each bracket in the text:


Bangladesh is a small country but it has a large (a) populate. Most people here live below the poverty line and cannot therefore afford to educate their (b) child. Many poor children either drop out of school just after a few years or


(c) simple do not go to school at all. Despite this situation, we have far too many students to educate (d) compare to the number of institutions (e) avail. Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and universities to provide for the increasing number of students. But owing to (f) finance and resource constraints, the (g) gove cannot fund the requisite number of (h) education institution.




(a) population, (b) children, (c) simply, (d) comparing, (e) available, (f) financial, (g) govement, (h) educational


03. Fill in gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words given in each bracket in the text:


An (a) healthy man leads a (b) pain life. He cannot enjoy (c) happy. He suffers both (d) physical and (e) mental. He passes his days with (f) tense. His life is very (g) sorrow. He is (h) active too.




(a) unhealthy, (b) painful, (c) happiness, (d) physically, (e) mentally, (f) tension, (g) sorrowful, (h) inactive


04. Fill in gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words given in each bracket in the text:


A good student is (a) mind to his studies. He is (b) respect to his (c) teach. He does not (d) honour anybody. He is free from (e) conduct. He is (f) study. He is not (g) sincere to his study. He maintains (h) punctual.




(a) mindful, (b) respectful, (c) teachers, (d) dishonour, (e) misconduct, (f) studious, (g) insincere, (h) punctuality

আপনার মতামত লিখুন :

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