• সোমবার, ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০১:২২ অপরাহ্ন

জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা

আপডেটঃ : শনিবার, ৩১ মার্চ, ২০১৮



বরুন চন্দ্র সরকার, সিনিয়র শিক্ষক


জাজিরা মোহর আলী মডেল হাই স্কুল, শরীয়তপুর


প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা, আজ তোমাদের সাথে ইংরেজি ‘Grammar’ এর Passage  Narration  নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো। প্রথমে নিজেরা চেষ্টা করবে, পরে সঠিক উত্তর মিলিয়ে নিবে ।


9.DirectSpeech:“What’s your programme after the examination?” asked Salam. Kamal said. “ I’ve not yet decided. Can you suggest any?” “Let us go on  a picnic,” said Salam. “What an excellent idea! I shall certainly join you”. Said kamal.


Indirect Soeech:  Salam asked kamal what his (k) programe was after the examination. Kamal replied that he had not yet decided. He also asked if he (K) could suggest any. Then Salam proposed that they should go on a picnic. Kamal exclaimed with joy that it was a very excellent idea. He added that he (k) would certainly join him (S).


10 .Direct Speech:  The passer-by stopped me and said, “ Sir, can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?” Yes I can, “ I said. “ Go straight about 100 yards and tu left. You will find it.” “Thank you sir,” He said.


Indirect :Addressing me as sir the passer-by stopped me and asked me if I could tell him the way to the Nearest inn.  I replied in the affirmative and said that I could. And told him to go straight about 100 yards and tu left and added that he would find it. Then he politely thanked me respectfully.


11.Direct speech: I said to the old man, ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I’m watching the boys swimming in the pond,’ he said. ‘How happy they are! May Allah bless them.’ ‘Let me sit by you and enjoy the scene,’ I said.
Indirect speech: I asked the old man what he was doing. The old man replied that he was watching the boys swimming in the pond. He exclaimed with joy that they were very happy. He prayed that Allah might bless them. I told him that I might sit by him and enjoy the scene I requested him to let me sit by him and enjoy the scene.
12.Direct: “What is the time by your watch?” he said. It is half past nine, “I said. He said, “ I want to go the college. Would you accompany me, please?” “No, I am sorry, “replied I.


Indirect:. He asked me what the time was by my watch. I replied that it was half past nine. He again Said that he wanted to go to the college. He also asked politely if I would accompany him. I replied in the negative that I was sorry.


 13.Direct Speech: The class teacher of class X said to the student, “Do you like to go on a study tour?” “Yes” said all the student to their class teacher. Then he said, “Take the permission from your parents.”  One of the students said. “Where will we go, sir?” “It will be decided after a discussion” said the teacher.


Indirect Speech: The class teacher of class X asked the students if they liked to go on a study tour. All the students replied in the affirmative to their class teacher. Then the teacher told the students to take permission from their parents. One of the students respectfully wanted to know where they would go. The teacher told that it would be decided after a discussion.

আপনার মতামত লিখুন :

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